Rejected by top MBA programs?

Analyze the weaknesses in your MBA application, and transform your MBA application next year using the MBA Rejection Heatmap 

Do you know why you were rejected by schools? 

You most likely don't. :-(

Identifying why you got rejected by MBA programs can be a challenge. Due to the large volume of applications, most MBA schools give little or no feedback to each individual rejected candidate.

To truly understand why you were rejected by schools, we’ll need to look at your application in its entirety to identify all potential weaknesses and define tactics to improve your MBA application.

However, I have a simpler solution for you to get started immediately... 


Use this self-assessment to identify your potential weakness areas, and narrow your focus on what you need to improve. 

So, how do you analyze your application weaknesses?

  • Download the heatmapand read through the instructions for completing the heatmap.
  • Complete the worksheetto determine specific weaknesses that you need to address the following year.
  • Get your high-level recommendations to address the weaknesses in your background, applicant profile, and application strategy.

    Ready to begin your assessment?